To err is indeed human, and reviews have proved to be the most cost-effective
method in use for error detection and removal. Before implementing new procedures
within an information system, a formal technical review can ensure that the plan
will work. This step is critical in preserving the intentions of the plan and
preventing costly, time-consuming errors. Distinguished authors Daniel Freedman
and Gerald Weinberg, over several years of consulting, found a similarity among
the questions their clients had about formal reviews. In a clear, nontechnical
style, this handbook addresses the wide range of questions typically asked. Freedman
and Weinberg use what they learned as "outsiders" to help "insiders"
conduct thorough evaluations of their projects.
Presented in a question/answer
format, the handbook invites the reader to partake in an informative, lively conversation.
Topics include the who, what, where, when, and why of conducting reviews, with
special emphasis on how to proceed. Numerous checklists, sample forms, and guidelines
supplement the authors' comprehensive and often witty answers.
This acclaimed
third edition offers specific advice on the formulation of a review team and on
the roles of management and the reviewers themselves. No walkthrough, inspection,
or technical review can truly be complete without this professional handbook.
"When I started reading Walkthroughs, Inspections,
and Technical Reviews: Evlatuating Programs, Projects, and Products by Daniel
P. Freedman and Gerald M. Weinberg, my intention was to summarize its key points.
But alas, I have found this talk imporrible because every page of this book is
so full of meat that the summary would be almost as long as the book itself. The
book is based on the authors' extensive experienve in conducting, facilitating,
and observing reviews, and I'm not surprised the book has been reissued and reprinted
so many times. . . ."
Naomi Karten ManagingEnd-User computing
needing, planning, or attending a review or the like should have consulted this
handbook to get them on the right wavelength for really useful, productive evaluations."
Dilloway Computer Books Review
"My favorite
book on this topic . . ."
J. Adrian Zimmer Editor, Journal of Software Maintenance
"A basic reference for anyone engaged in system design and programming
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